Sunday, September 23, 2007

the tie that binds

My mood? Thanks for asking. I'd say I'm wistful, pensive, reflective,'s that for some 10-cent words? Gotta love!

I had a nice day that, in the end, really tied into my earlier posting about slowing down and about enjoying the simpler things in life. My cousin was home for a visit. He lives out of state and I haven't seen him for almost two years. He came home specifically because our grandpa is not doing very well. Grandpa is still at home with my parents, so the extended family met there for dinner. It was so nice to see my cousin. And we all laughed so always. Honestly, my life has been so busy that I didn't really realize how much I missed him until he was sitting across the table from me. That's not right, is it? And, of course, it started me thinking about my other cousins and friends who I don't see often enough. Why not? Because I don't make the effort. I don't schedule them into my life, I guess. Nothing about that realization makes me feel good.

Okay, so how can I turn this self-reflection (and perhaps scolding) into something positive? First I think I should thank God for the wonderful evening I just had. And, next, I can use this evening as a reminder. As the title of my last post says..."it's not too late." I need to start scheduling my family and friends into my life more. When I look back on life, what will I remember more? A Sunday night spent flipping through channels looking for something to entertain me or an evening spent laughing and joking with someone who has known me since the day I was born? I think it is obvious. I will never regret quality time spent with people I love.

There is comfort to be found in the company of others. I think the best word to describe it is "fellowship." In fellowship we find acceptance, shared interests, memories, and friendship. We find support when we're down. We find someone to share excitement with when we're up. We find love. The times of fellowship produce my fondest memories. Like my description in my last post of hanging out with the neighboorhood kids. Or spending time with my extended family tonight. Happy memories to lean on when times get rough.

One last thing that has just occurred to me. I'm feeling a bit blue because I was having so much fun, and then I had to say goodbye. I don't know when I'll see my cousin again. But, I can relate this somewhat to the promise that one day there will be no more goodbyes for me. I will be able to slow down and experience joy and happiness forever. There will be no more stress. There will be no more tears. There will be eternal life. Eternity. Now, there's another 10-cent word. But, the truth is, eternity is free.

An old hymn came to mind:

Blessed be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like that to that above.

We share each other’s woes,
Our mutual burdens bear;
And often for each other flows
The sympathizing tear.

When we asunder part,
It gives us inward pain;
But we shall still be joined in heart,
And hope to meet again.

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